Yearbook life is one of the most affordable yearbook companies around.
Check out all of the available resources for your Middle School Yearbook Project.

Free Yearbook Software
YearbookLife makes it easy to create your school yearbook with our free yearbook design software. YearbookLife wants to help take the hassle out of creating your school yearbook, so you have choices when it comes to which software you will use to create your school yearbook.
You can choose to work with our easy-to-use, free yearbook design software, Pictavo or YBLive, or use any other design software, such as Adobe InDesign.

Yearbook Covers
Need some design inspiration?
YearbookLife offers a selection of Full Color Stock Covers and Custom Cover Background Options that you can easily enhance.
Get a Free Quote
We are happy to provide a quote and discuss the options available to you.
Get a Sample
We get it. You need to hold a book in your hands to make sure you love it. Just let us know, we'll send you one.
At YearbookLife, we give you everything you need to create your school yearbook
- all at NO extra cost!
Your yearbook price includes:
- FREE Yearbook Design Software
- FREE Marketing Material
- Unlimited Training & Support
- Online Yearbook Purchasing
- Online Ad Design & Purchasing
- No Money Required to Get Started
and much, much more!